Our commitment to environmental stewardship is to reduce present operational impacts and build a sustainable future.

GHG Emissions

The organisational carbon footprint of Mashreq quantifies the total greenhouse gas emissions attributed to our direct and indirect operational activities. We assess our total climate impact, map the major activities that contribute to this impact, and develop meaningful carbon reduction strategies in order to achieve carbon-neutral across our business by 2050. We report our carbon footprint emissions as part of our sustainability report. We calculate our absolute carbon emissions and carbon intensity to completely understand our GHG inventory impact and effectiveness of our reduction strategies.Our carbon intensity metric measures overall carbon emissions in Kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) per full time employee. It is a metric that is frequently used to assess performance year on year as it offers a relative comparison between annual metrics regardless of other changes to our business. Even as our company expands, this indicator is useful for tracking how close we are to meeting our objective of becoming carbon-neutral by 2050.

Waste and Water management

The Bank is continuously looking for opportunities to recycle waste in order to fulfil SDG 12, which calls for sustainable management and effective use of natural resources. E-waste, dry waste (mainly paper waste), and Wet waste (primarily from the cafeteria) are the wastes produced by the Bank's operations. The Bank makes sure sewage from its headquarters and branches do not get into nearby bodies of water. The Bank's line of business is not water intensive because it is in the service industry. Water is primarily used for domestic purposes. In accordance with SDG 11, the Bank has implemented various initiatives, such as the installation of sensors on urinals and faucets in select large offices, to reduce environmental impact, with a particular focus on water conservation.

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